Seven Iconic Yoga Poses and their Amazing Benefits

Yoga is an ancient tradition that’s been around for over 3,000 years and has been a part of mainstream culture in the USA for more than a century! What’s fascinating about yoga is that it creates a physiological state that counteracts the fight-or-flight stress response. This interruption helps to foster a sense of balance and unity between the mind and body. One of the most empowering aspects of yoga is that it encourages individuals to become their own healers, with healing originating from within. When people actively engage in their own health journeys, they gain a sense of autonomy, making yoga an appealing practice for many. 

Regular yoga practice has been linked to a host of significant health benefits, particularly in areas like mental well-being, physical strength, and digestive health. It’s incredible for the mind, as it can boost serotonin levels—often referred to as the “feel-good hormone”—while also decreasing the enzymes that break it down. This is why yoga can be a fantastic alternative to medications that may come with harsh side effects. It’s clear that yoga is here to stay, thanks to its myriad of benefits!

While yoga has deep spiritual roots, many people now approach it as a sport, using asanas to build physical strength. And the best part? Each posture offers its own unique benefits that can positively impact our lives long after we step off the mat! Some of the most well-known poses include downward-facing dog, upward-facing dog, chaturanga, warrior pose, tree pose, seated forward fold, and savasana. If you practice yoga regularly, it’s easy to overlook the impact these poses have on our bodies and lives. So, let’s take a moment to reflect on their significance—you’ll never take any of these poses for granted again! And if you’re new to yoga, these foundational poses are a fantastic place to begin your journey!

 1) Downward dog • Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Dog holds the top spot on our list for good reason: it’s the most recognized yoga pose out there! Ever wondered why it’s called “Downward Dog”? It’s because the pose mimics the way a dog stretches when it wakes up. In yoga, it’s often used in Vinyasa practice as a transition between poses, and for more advanced practitioners, it can even serve as a resting pose. The great thing about Downward Dog is that, as you gain experience and build strength, there’s always room for improvement—even if you’re already fit. However, if you’re just starting out, you might find Downward Dog to be quite a workout!

When executed properly, Downward Dog can feel incredibly rewarding. As you push into your hips and reach through your shoulders, your spine lengthens, leading to a gentle spinal decompression. This can be particularly beneficial for alleviating back pain, especially after long periods of sitting.

With most of us spending so much time in chairs, it’s also common for the muscles at the back of the legs, like the hamstrings, to shorten. Muscles that aren't kept at their optimal length can become weak, so one of the great perks of Downward Dog is that it offers a fantastic stretch for those hamstrings. Stretching can help to maintain optimal muscle length, which is key for performance and power.

Downward Dog also serves as a basic inversion, promoting blood flow to the brain. And let’s face it—a boost in blood flow means our minds can function more effectively! What’s special about this pose is that it’s one of the easiest inversions to achieve. Unlike more demanding inversions like handstands, Downward Dog doesn’t require you to bear your full body weight on your hands, making it accessible for most people.

Want to master Downward Dog? Check out this one-and-a-half-minute video packed with amazing tips to help you nail the pose!


2) Upward facing dog • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Upward Facing Dog is quite similar to Downward Dog, resembling a dog’s stretch, and it’s a standout pose in the yoga world. When yoga began to gain popularity, the renowned practitioner B.K.S. Iyengar claimed that Urdhva Mukha Svanasana “rejuvenates the spine.” This is significant because Iyengar learned from the influential guru Tirumalai Krishnamacharya and helped shape the modern view of yoga as a form of exercise. Many practitioners today enjoy the physical benefits of yoga, often inspired by Iyengar’s teachings. It doesn’t take long to realize that Upward Facing Dog is a deep backbend that really engages the spine! 

This incredible asana stretches the hip flexors, abdomen, chest, and spine while toning the back and arms. It’s no wonder that this intense backbend that can effectively counteract the “office slump,” opening up the body and creating space for your lungs and heart to function optimally. Incorporating poses like Upward Facing Dog into your routine is essential for maintaining proper posture and countering the forward flexion we often experience from sitting, driving, or hunching over a computer. Without enough movement, our spines can also become stiff and rigid over time, leading to discomfort and pain. So, Upward Facing Dog is a fantastic way to counteract those negative effects and support a healthy back.

One of the coolest yet often overlooked benefits of Upward Facing Dog is its ability to stimulate the vagus nerve, located in the neck, due to the chest-opening and lifting action of the pose. Unfortunately, the vagus nerve can be quite sensitive to stress, which can interfere with its function. Practicing Upward Facing Dog can help restore its balance. Studies have shown that practicing Upward Facing Dog can leave you feeling energized, likely because it activates the vagus nerve, which plays a vital role in digestion and overall well-being. Given the strong connection between the digestive system and the brain, a well-functioning vagus nerve can enhance digestion and even promote a healthier state of mind. 

And if that’s not reason enough to get into Upward Facing Dog, simply opening your chest has been shown to boost self-esteem, likely due to the empowering nature of the pose. So, don’t skip Upward Facing Dog—it’s packed with benefits for your back, your digestive system, and your overall mood!

3) High Plank to Low Plank • Chaturanga Dandasana

Did you know that the world record for the longest plank variation held on elbows is an astonishing 9 hours and 38 minutes? This remarkable feat, recognized by Guinness World Records, is a testament to human endurance! Speaking of extraordinary practices, do you remember the legendary yoga guru Krishnamacharya, who laid some of the groundwork for yoga as we know it today? He utilized the transition from high plank to low plank as a foundational element in his vinyasas, emphasizing the flowing connection between poses. This concept was further popularized by his student, B.K.S. Iyengar, who is celebrated as a key figure in the evolution of modern yoga.

The plank—whether in its high or low form, or as part of a flowing Chaturanga sequence—truly deserves recognition as a superhero pose in yoga. Research indicates that it enhances various aspects of physical fitness, including muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and cardiopulmonary health, particularly when practiced regularly over a month. So, all those Chaturangas you're incorporating into your yoga practice are elevating your overall health and helping you reach new heights in your fitness journey. The plank is a full-body exercise that can rapidly develop muscle strength, especially in the core, which is vital for maintaining a healthy spine and proper posture.

However, it’s essential to approach planks with mindfulness. While they can be a fun and challenging position, it’s crucial not to overexert yourself. As your muscles begin to fatigue, it’s easy to lose proper form, which can lead to imbalances and misalignments in the spine, increasing the risk of injury. Instead, use your planks strategically—hold them just long enough to feel empowered and to enhance your fitness. Incorporating Chaturanga as a flowing movement allows you to safely strengthen your body while maintaining good alignment. Embrace the power of planks and chaturangas and enjoy the journey toward greater strength and well-being!

4) Warrior (I, II, III) • Virabhadrasana

Virabhadrasana, commonly known as the Warrior Pose, encompasses a trio of dynamic lunging standing asanas that vary slightly in their execution and level of difficulty. Fascinatingly, these poses may have been influenced by European gymnastics before being integrated into the physical culture of India, ultimately becoming a hallmark of modern yoga practice. Today, the Warrior poses stand as some of the most recognizable and celebrated shapes within the yoga community.

Lunge asanas are remarkable for their ability to enhance mobility, particularly in terms of gait function—the intricate control of foot trajectory that allows for safe ground clearance and a smooth landing. While we may not often reflect on how we walk, a stable and confident gait can significantly influence our daily lives. The greater our stability, the faster we can move, and the better our overall quality of life.

This is especially crucial as we age, as muscle mass naturally declines without regular exercise, making everyday activities more challenging. Warrior poses are highly effective for building strength in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes—muscles essential for preventing falls and maintaining balance, even when our stability is compromised.

Moreover, lunges serve as an excellent form of balance training, enhancing our static balance—the ability to hold a posture for extended periods without losing stability. By combining increased leg power and improved balance, the Warrior lunge pose can elevate athletic performance. You can harness the power of the Warrior stance not just to enhance your walking stability but also to push your physical capabilities further, unlocking new levels of athletic excellence.

 5) Tree pose • Vrikshasana

Tree pose, or Vrikshasana, is a standing balancing posture that’s perfect for improving your sense of balance. Here’s a fun tidbit: this ancient asana has been around for a long time—archaeological finds suggest it dates back to at least the time of Buddha, and even as far back as 1200 BCE (Before Common Era)! There are interesting stories about this pose, too. It’s said that holy men would practice Vrikshasana as a way to deepen their contemplation and self-discipline, believing it helped them channel attention back to the source of creation.

What’s really cool about balancing poses, like Tree Pose, is that they require mental focus. By keeping our minds anchored in the present moment, we can find stability both physically and mentally. When you’re balancing in Tree pose, it’s a powerful reminder of what we can accomplish when we’re mindful of our thoughts and direct our attention wisely.

Plus, just like the Warrior poses, Tree pose is a fantastic exercise for enhancing walking stability. The best part? There are plenty of modifications available, making it accessible for everyone, regardless of fitness level. This pose specifically targets the hip abductors, which are crucial for preventing falls. So, incorporating Tree pose into your practice not only boosts mental focus and possibly even creativity, but also significantly improves balance. 

6) Seated Forward Fold • Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana, commonly known as the seated forward bend, is a delightful and foundational asana in yoga practice. When you think of a forward bend, you might picture the simple act of touching your toes—something that often serves as a quick gauge of flexibility. While being able to reach your toes is a nice milestone, forward bends offer much more than just a flexibility test.

Research has shown that this pose can stimulate the abdominal organs and aid in digestion. Supporting studies, indicate that practicing yoga can significantly alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms, with one notable trial demonstrating remarkable improvements in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) among adolescents who followed a yoga routine. Paschimottanasana has also been found to enhance our mood. It’s truly fascinating how interconnected our bodies are, and how simple movements like a forward fold can uplift our spirits, backed by solid scientific evidence. So, the next time you settle into Paschimottanasana, remember that you’re not just stretching—you’re also nurturing your overall well-being!

7) The Final Resting Pose • Savasana

You’ve probably heard Savasana referred to as “everyone’s favorite pose.” In this beloved asana, we simply lie down and do absolutely nothing—a blissful experience, especially after an intense yoga session that leaves us feeling completely spent. It’s the perfect time to rest and fully absorb all the hard work and benefits we’ve just accumulated for our bodies.

But there’s even more to Savasana than just relaxation. It serves as a precious moment to slow down and tune into our bodies, free from the distractions and overstimulation that often bombard us in our fast-paced lives. While a bit of stimulation can be beneficial, too much can overwhelm our nervous systems. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, even after a gentle practice, Savasana can provide a much-needed reprieve from the excess noise and stress that surrounds us.

This restorative posture encourages us to turn our senses inward, allowing our nervous system to recharge. It’s remarkable how simply giving ourselves some downtime can lead to improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia. While many people view yoga as a physically demanding practice, Savasana is a vital component that helps us achieve optimal performance. Our bodies need relaxation and restorative sleep just as much as they need movement and challenge. So, make sure to give yourself that well-deserved time at the end of your yoga session to unwind in Savasana—it’s an essential gift for your mind and body!


Whether you’re new to yoga or have been practicing for years, delving deeper into these iconic poses can be truly fascinating. As you immerse yourself in the practice, you may find it physically challenging, but within that struggle lies the potential to cultivate a passion for expanding your physical abilities in numerous ways. With experience comes the rewarding sensation of moving your body in powerful and transformative ways. And when you discover the myriad benefits these poses offer, it serves as a motivating reminder of just how much we can positively influence our own lives.

Ready to Refresh Your Yoga Gear?

Speaking of enhancing your practice, it might be the perfect time to invest in some new yoga gear. A high-quality mat can elevate your experience significantly, whether you're focusing on yin yoga, pilates, or a dynamic vinyasa flow. Imagine how much more enjoyable your downward dogs will feel or how much more comfortable your seated forward folds can become with the right equipment. Explore our fantastic selection of yoga products and take your practice to the next level today!

See Resources Referenced in this Blog Here.

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